A lovely email I received from a client I’ve been working with since November 2019

Hiya Katy, 
I am still smiling from ear to ear, i really cant believe today and how well Charles did. I really cant get the smile off my face and I just want to thank you so much, you have massively helped him and me also because I copy you at home, but how you broke down the word ball to ‘all, and then ‘ba’ then to ‘ba-all’ and then it turned to ball, it seems like that was such a turning point for him and now look at him go, he is on a roll, I really can not believe how many words he tried to say today and how clear they were and how you managed to get him to do the whole puzzle and make it in to a fun game for him, you really are amazing at what you do, you work with so many children who I guess have different learning styles and you just knew how to work with Charles in a way that best suited him, its like once you broke down the word ball into sounds for him, he was then able to say it, and not only has he gained confidence but its like he has now learnt how to put sounds together to make words.

I had no idea when we started our sessions how quickly Charles would progress or if at all, as his previous speech therapy never helped him and this is just such a huge progress for me as I have read so many books, and tried singing songs, and doing all kinds of things to help him talk and nothing worked, but breaking the word down is what he needed, and now with your support I’m sure he is going to flourish now that he understands how to put sounds together I have such hope and faith we will be able to get him talking now, just wanted to thank you, I am so happy that I found you.

You really have helped him hugely, and it all started with the word ball. In the car on the way home i was singing the wheels on the bus to him ( pretty poorly ) and I got to the part ‘ the horn on the bus goes toot’ but I came to a junction so I stopped singing and then he said oot, oot oot..he would have never of done that before. He has found his little voice. I am so happy, I cant wait to see how far he will have come in more months to come with you.
A huge thank you x